3 tips for cleaning your home (and your spirit) like a Buddhist monk

“The monks’ day begins with cleaning: we sweep the garden, clean the courtyard, polish the sanctuary. Not so much because they are actually dirty or in disorder, but because these actions have the ultimate goal of eliminating any shadow from the spirit”. This was stated by Keisuke Matsumoto , Buddhist monk of the Komyoji Temple in Tokyo, author of the book “Cleaning manual of a Buddhist monk” , published in Italy by Vallardi. joy and spiritual importance of house cleaning because by washing and tidying, we also wash and put our soul in order, as well as ironing clothes, we also iron the wrinkles of our heart.

“To purify oneself from obscuring passions, dust! To abandon any material attachment, to wipe away the stains!”: These are the imperatives launched by the monk. Finally, to experience peace: “The time we spend cleaning is a full, dense time. Spending time in a clean and tidy room: this is the source of serenity”. Inspired by the method used by Buddhist monks is not difficult, just follow a few simple rules.

  1. The right time for cleaning is in the morning

Better not to do them in the cutouts of time or in the evening. “If you start cleaning with great effort, but you do it in the middle of the night, then you will not feel relieved or satisfied. At the temple, the setting of the sun marks the end of the cleaning and tidying up activities. Obviously the best time to do the cleaning it’s morning. They must be done first! “, reads the book. “Cleaning in silence, when everything is still surrounded by calm and tranquility, before the living beings that surround us, whether they are animals or plants, wake up, allows our spirit to develop a sense of freshness and order and to our mind to gain lucidity. “

  1. Tidy up your things before bedtime

You need to do this to wake up with the right amount of energy and not in a bad mood. “I invite you to try to rearrange the things you used during the day before retiring: if everything is in its place, the next morning you will be in a good mood and ready to face any type of housework”, reads the text.

  1. Open the windows! (and don’t mind the outside temperature)

It is the first thing to do in the morning. Airing, according to the monk, is very important because it not only helps to wake us up but also reinvigorates the spirit: “It is good to remember that the spoiled air has a negative influence on our mood that awakens,” he says. But what to do if it’s too cold or too hot, like in winter or summer? Let’s open them anyway, because what matters is contact with nature. “When it is hot we let it be hot and when it is cold we let it be cold! Sweating while cleaning and, at the same time, perceiving nature on your skin is a surefire recipe to ensure the health of body and spirit. You have to open the windows and get in touch with nature, understand our fragility of human beings “.

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